
Apr 7, 2012

A Match Set

My daughter Deby loved my "Hanging Towel" and asked me to make her one to match her kitchen.  I bought the towel (set of 3) at a Home Goods store. I really didn't notice when I bought them, but the towels are huge.  I cut it and used the leftovers to make a matching potholder.
I pleated this towel so it would lay right. Besides it being a little shorter, I made it exactly like the first one.      For the potholder I used this tutorial found at  Sew WE Quilt and since Deby loves owls, I knew it would a perfect for a match set.

I made the shapes needed for the pattern on MS Publisher.
Cut the shapes out of different fabrics and used heat bond paper on the backs of each. I ironed them on, then stitched around all the pieces. 
After finishing both, I could not wait to give them to her.
She loves them and hung them up right away. 
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Very Cute with the matching owl potholder. I was telling my daughter about your towels the other day, saying how we need to make some. I love how they won't fall off the bar on the oven. Now it's just getting around to it.

  2. I love that cute little own potholder... Great Job! I've also been reading through your blog and have enjoyed getting to know you.


  3. Hi Connie! Returning the visit and I am now following you too! Love your owl pot holders, cute!!

  4. I love owls. Coming from Show and tell Saturday.

    Tricia @ {Seekingecochic}

  5. These are so cute! Id love to try making these!

  6. How cute, I just love Bea's owl potholders, great fabrics!

  7. Boy , she keeps a clean kitchen. Nice job.

  8. Had to stop and look at these owls. My best friend has such a collection. Stopping by from My Favorite Thinks blog hop. Come by for a tribute and giveaway in honor of my father's 84th birthday!

  9. "sew" cute!!! thank you for linking up to the Thursday hop. Sorry I'm behind in saying thank you. My recent post will explain my delay.Hope to see you again this Thursday. xo

  10. So lovely to make it owl face. A good way to hang it. Love your fabric works.

  11. You did a great job on these,,,way to now sadly her photos have disappeared..


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