Thank you for being here.

I''ve been crafting/sewing since grade school (4H). My inspiration mainly comes from my Mother. She sews, crafts, paints, cooks, gardens, stamps, and runs a successful quilting business. Makes me tire just listing all she does. I aspire to be like her. I have 3 Sisters, one of them is my best friend, peas and carrots, we are. I have 3 Children, girl, boy, girl, along with 5 Grandchildren, girl, boy, girl, and girl, girl. (FYI, they do call me Grammy Bear.)
Since I made this page, My son and his beautiful wife had a baby girl (almost 2 now and expecting another in Sept).
Here's a pic of 4 of my grandkiddos. It's amazing to have them together. UPDATE, there's a new baby in the family.
I'm very excited about this blog adventure and with it I'm hoping to make some new friends along with learning and sharing new crafting/sewing ideas.
Feels great to be back blogging and sewing.
Update - I'm also one of the Sisters that is a part of State-line Crafter's, stop by and see what the 3 of us are up to.
Cheers to some fun!